Sunday 28 November 2010


Interface - 22 point min size
Flash transparency - GELL - look at BBC global interface rules on BBC website
Highyaracki (sorry no idea how to spell dat word) not exactly right
5 point nav
colour keys go up and not across - can be confussing to the user
Text button is in wrong place on the screen

DODO - (NO NO)message wasnt clear

WebBanner - Bye Bye... Need to find a more infomation driven idea of how to tell people about it on the web!???

Maybe talk through how to use it - TV add!?

Give them Literature/ manel to read and be able to hold

Possible emulator!

No Sketches

Point of video needs to be more obvious - clear!

Thats what i have written down, some makes more sense than other bits from my memory! Soz bout spelling mistakes! Mac wont let me change them! :(

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