Sunday 28 November 2010

Youview website!


AMBIENT/POSTER - Fine as it is! could add another version of it if we get time, but get everythink else done first!

Interactive - Nearly there, make changes that BBC have suggested, make new altered mock up of it and schematic is needed for final delivable!

Video - Needs rethinking! Something to do with telling the user how to use the red button, talk through how its used, simular to apple ad!

Drive through website - needs rethinking??? posiblitys manel to it, print version, hand them out as part of the ambient media as a guide to how to use it? or emulator where people can be visually shown how to use it!


Interface - 22 point min size
Flash transparency - GELL - look at BBC global interface rules on BBC website
Highyaracki (sorry no idea how to spell dat word) not exactly right
5 point nav
colour keys go up and not across - can be confussing to the user
Text button is in wrong place on the screen

DODO - (NO NO)message wasnt clear

WebBanner - Bye Bye... Need to find a more infomation driven idea of how to tell people about it on the web!???

Maybe talk through how to use it - TV add!?

Give them Literature/ manel to read and be able to hold

Possible emulator!

No Sketches

Point of video needs to be more obvious - clear!

Thats what i have written down, some makes more sense than other bits from my memory! Soz bout spelling mistakes! Mac wont let me change them! :(

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Final List and Do List!


Change Red Ball to a giant Red Button (was agreed upon with Mark) Lights up at night red, so you can see it miles away! Mark has suggested that Will finishes this aspect of, by just changing the red ball to a button!


1. Nature Watch - Was suggested that we make this idea! Goes across sees a DoDo is like ooo look at that that carnt be possible, then sees this dot in the background and zooms in and goes crazy at seeing this red button. Is alot about the zooming and closing in - motion blur effect, Will Voice over! (M)

2.Antiques Roadshow - relate to the Ming Vase which sold for lost of money! some kind of pun on the red button being worth more money than the Ming Vase. (M)

3.gardening - Pulling up the remote control - the red button is the only aspect that has grown! rest is dead!

4.Need to decide which over two to show as part of the presentation

Need to link with the 5 videos from above!

1.Nature Watch - Make a webbanner same sort of theme, but better made to the one that i made! (M)
2. Antiques Roadshow - Need to think of a webbanner for this, as we dont currently have one! (M)
3. Some kind of gardening related one - need to think about that, but it doesnt have to be made!
4. -
5. -


1. Schematic
2. digital mock up made (not moving)


1. front page - Name, title, image of red button
2. Audience 55+ - Questionaire (dont repeate the brief)
3. Ambient Media and thinking/Poster (short section)
4. Interactive (main section) gd practice/ bad practice/ initial ideas/ final idea
5. Motion - Storyboard/ Motion/ storyboard
6. Webbanner - Sketch/ Web Banners
7. end